Eurosens Direct

Brochures and specifications.

Eurosens Direct flow meters

Direct PN I flow meters (with display)

Direct A I flow meters (self-powered meters)

Advantages of Eurosens flow sensors

Eurosen Direct software counter list

Description of modes for Eurosen Direct PN (RS, CAN) software counters

Eurosens Direct/Delta protocol (for RS versions)

MODBUS Eurosens Direct/Delta protocol (for RS versions)

Description of CAN messages (for CAN versions)

Direct Certificates

Permit documentation.

Certificate of conformity TP TC 018/2011

Declaration of Conformity of TR TC 020/2011

E-mark certificate of compliance

Certificate of measuring instrument (Republic of Belarus)

Certificate of measuring instrument (Russian Federation)

Certificate of measuring instrument (Republic of Kazakhstan)

Certificate of the Russian River Register

Certificate of recognition of the organization by the Russian River Register


Direct Installation

Documentation for installers and developers

Direct flow meter installation guide, Delta

How to clean the meter

Eurosens flow meter accuracy verification manual

Configuration software

CAD models of Eurosens Direct 100,250,500 (STEP, IGS)

Direct Videos


Subscribe to our youtube channel

Eurosens meters presentation video