Diesel locomotives remote monitoring

Railroad shunting and freight locomotives consume huge amounts of diesel fuel. Consequently, the potential theft of fuel is also very high and can amount to hundreds of liters per week. Installation of fuel level sensors in fuel tanks often does not give the expected effect, because the locomotive has a large number of convenient places for hidden theft of fuel during operation (taps, pipeline plugs etc). Therefore, to effectively combat theft, it makes sense to add into the system the fuel consumption meters that measure the actual fuel consumption of the engine.

Benefits of implementation

  • Track locomotive location, route, speed and mode of operation at any given time.
  • Measurement of the actual fuel consumption, comparison with the figures of fuel fillings in the tank.
  • Monitoring of the engine condition through actual fuel consumption figures.
  • Collection of information from locomotive sensors (pressure, temperature, others).
Description of the system

We use GPS trackers with advanced functionality. Multiple CAN/RS485/RS232 interfaces and wireless sensors support allows you to connect a wide range of peripheral equipment.

A pair of Eurosens Direct high-precision fuel consumption meters are typically used to monitor the fuel consumption of engines, which are installed without modifying the fuel supply circuitry. On some engines of shunting locomotives, a single Eurosens Direct flow meter can be used.

Flow meters provide an accurate measurement of fuel consumption, but do not provide information on the current volume of fuel in the tanks. We also recommend installing eurosens Dominator fuel level sensors for this purpose.

All Eurosens sensors can be easily serviced by local personnel

Installation photos

Products used in the solution

Eurosens Direct 1500, 3000

Large Eurosens flow meters are installed on main engines, on fuel flows up to 3000 liters per hour

Eurosens Delta

Eurosens differential flow meters are installed on engines up to 700 hp

Eurosens Dominator

Eurosens Dominator fuel level sensors measure the volume of fuel in the tanks

Eurosens Difference T4

Analog-to-digital converter for data acquisition from standard diesel locomotive sensors

Eurosens Display

Eurosens Display shows information from sensors on board the locomotive

Eurosens Deaerator

The fuel system of some engines contains air bubbles in the return line. Special Eurosens deaerators are used for air removal