Fuel consumption monitoring of drilling rigs
The consumption of diesel fuel is one of the most important expenses when drilling wells in oil and gas fields. There are a lot of fuel consumers:
- Powerful drilling rig engines
- Burners
- Diesel gensets
- Heaters
In order to ensure round-the-clock control of the efficiency of its use, our company offers a comprehensive solution for monitoring the control of diesel fuel by all consumers located in the field. It also monitors a number of related process parameters.

Composition of the system equipment at the drilling site:
- Fuel consumption meter is installed on each fuel consumer (diesel gensets/boilers/etc).
- Level sensors in tanks.
- Engine rev sensors.
- Radiocommunication equipment.
The information gathering point is a control tower, organized in the field, on the basis of a personal computer. The software of the Eurosens Monitor or the local SCADA server is installed there.
Data is transmitted to the control tower from the sensors installed via a radio channel with a range of up to 8 km.
The local server not only collects and displays charts and reports, but also transmits information to the enterprise’s central cloud server. Data transmission can take place either continuously or in sessions as the control tower becomes available to the central server for satellite data transmission.
The system diagram is shown below.

Products used in the solution

Eurosens Delta