Monitoring of fuel consumption in tanks
The remote monitoring of petroleum products volume in tanks is a must for theft prevention and operational control of fuel and oil reserves. Mechatronics solutions are designed to fulfill these tasks, automatically account petroleum products and organize a local workplace for an operator.
- Fuel theft prevention.
- Timely notification about low fuel reserves.
Fuel level sensor eurosens Dominator is used to measure fuel level in tanks.
The sensor consists of typical mass-produced measuring elements (electrodes) that are connected between one another. Thus, eurosens Dominator measuring part may be lengthened up to 6 meters and longer. Quite an economical solution.
Eurosens Dominator is easy to service due to its modularity: the electrodes can be extracted and cleaned if needed. Besides, the sensors have an explosion proof certificate with 0ExiaIIBT6 X mark.
There are two cases of a remote tank monitoring system:
- Using wired fuel level sensors eurosens Dominator RS 485.
As a data collection device, any datalogger with RS485 MODBUS support or a local SCADA-server may be used.
A personal computer with eurosens Monitor software installed may also serve as a data collection device. Eurosens Monitor capture the data over RS485 interface, displays an interactive dashboard and forward the data to remote cloud server using Wialon IPS protocol.

2. The other option includes wireless fuel level sensor eurosens Dominator BT.
The wireless eurosens Dominator BT becomes a natural solution if the cabling is hardly possible on the fuel yard. The sensor has an in-built battery ensuring continuous sensor operation for 5 years. Eurosens Dominator BT sends the fuel volume data via Bluetooth Low Energy connection to the distance up to 200 meters (enough for data collection).
The data can be received and sent to a remote monitoring server using:
• GPS trackers with BLE support (Teltonika, Galileosky, Navtelecom, etc.);
• GPS trackers with RS485 interface and Eurosens BT-COM adapter;
• Android device with Eurosens Tank Manager app installed.
Eurosens Tank Manager App doesn’t only send the data to a server via mobile or Wi-Fi connection, but also turns any Android device into an interactive display for onsite control of fuel reserves in tanks.

Products used in the solution

Eurosens Dominator
Capacitive modular level sensor. Analog/frequency, RS232/RS485, CAN versions.

Eurosens Monitor
Software for local GPS monitoring directly based on storage.Software to monitor petroleum product parameters in oil storages and gas stations.

Eurosens Tank Manager
A mobile app to turn any Android smartphone/tablet into an interactive display for onsite fuel monitoring.